Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's been a while....

First some updates:

Christmas dress that I made (well, actually, just the pinafore) for Seed.   The plan was to be able to remove the pointsettia after the holidays, and add a tulip, but in making some hasty adjustments on Christmas Eve, the neck hole is small, and will not last much longer. 

Christmas Hats
monkey, frog, and lamb!

This is a felted wool cozy that I had made for my beverage bottle ...
Sunshine had liked it, and seeing as she broke her glass-lined Thermos, I had the perfect project for stocking stuffers!
But I know how fashion conscious  teenage girls can be, so I made one to match each of her winter jackets!
Finally, today's WIP......
another pinafore ... notice a much larger neck hole this time!

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Years!!

New years was different for us this year. My sister was over, and we stayed home. it was more like a family night, but till midnight. We played Wii and made a gingerbread sleigh.

With the gingerbread, that was a fun time. In the end, I started to eat the icing right from the tube. CasualCrafter went ahead and cut a bigger hole. I wasn't expecting it to be much bigger, but i was wrong. It was more like the whole top! Of course i didn't eat all of it, I only had a lick out of a mouth full. Our gingerbread sleigh only lasted enough for two pictures, and then it disappeared into a black hole, called the stomach.

Wii was more simple. It started with a few races on Mario Kart, and turned into a game of bowling.

As midnight came, we watched the ball drop and a couple of fireworks on Farmville,and that ended our night. It had gone by so fast! It had all been fun and games until people got sleepy.


Hattie was a very cool snowman. The weather was just beautiful, but when we were done, we were freezing because we stayed out too long.

I didn't know how to make snowballs. Something AMAZING happened! My sister showed me how to roll them, and that's how you make snowballs. But I wish it was summer.

My sister kept confusing me, 'cause she said there was a green button, and I didn't know there was, but then I saw the green button and I knew there was.

I wish there was a ladder for me so I could stand tall and put the hat on. But there was no such thing as a ladder to go out in the winter, but it would be cool if there was a ladder to go outside in the winter.
I had fun building the snowman, but my sister kept confusing me. Then my dad came home, and he missed the snowman, and that was just funny.

The End.
And that was the story of my snowman!